Be sure you know, in relation to the Creation, the four views...
Remember two of the impacts of the fall were to (1) begin suffering and, more importantly, (2) that it separated people from God...
AND that in the midst of God laying out the consequences of The Fall, He also promised a deliverer in Gen 3:15...
and that God chose to work through Abraham and that it was the belief of Abraham, not his actions that resulted in Abraham's Righteousness which we said was an important word that we understand theologically as "the state of being made right with God" (we will revisit this again in Romans 3)... it is important to note here that just as followers of Jesus who have faith are to live that faith out by works, Abraham followed through in life by responding to his faith by DOING what God wanted... Check out the words of James... works are essential when following God in faith....
remember that, after some time went by (God often tells us to wait), God fulfilled His promise to Abraham and Sarah... Isaac was born and that Isaac and Rebekah had a son, Jacob and that whole deal was filled with some amazing drama (just like our lives... dramas which are tainted by The Fall... and that Jacob's name was changed to Israel
and that there were twelve sons whose descendants became the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel... the youngest son was Benjamin, the second youngest was Joseph - drama again... jealous brothers sold him to travelers who sold him in Egypt to royalty and then - of course - MORE drama... but Joseph had learned good character and looked to the God of his fathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and was blessed with the ability to interpret dreams which resulted in his becoming, essentially, the prime minister of Egypt... his brother came to Egypt in search of food during a famine (remember the fat and skinny cow dream?) and the nation of Israel began to live in Egypt...
after time, the Egyptians forgot that Joseph bailed them out and Israel was enslaved in Egypt... we call this the Captivity in Egypt and pointed out that this is symbolic of our captivity to the sin nature and, just as Israel needed a deliverer, people who are captive need a deliverer...
God answered the cries of Israel and sent a deliverer... Moses and from this man we learn that you don't have to be perfect, best behaved, or even a good public speaker to serve God, you just have to be willing...
so, God sent Moses (deliverer) and ultimately a great disaster had to fall on Egypt and Israel was protected if they followed God's instruction... they were to place the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their home... this was the Passover (which set up, and looked forward to THE passover which took place much later... when THE Spotless Lamb was killed and whose blood delivers people from the captivity of the sin nature which they inherit from The Fall) which set up Israel's escape from Egypt which we know as the Exodus ...
after amazing drama, intrigue among the Israelites and fantastic acts of God on their behalf and because of their actions... God gave Moses the Law... bacause God gave this law to Moses, we call the law the Mosaic Law which includes the 10 commandments and the "Greatest Commandment" Judaism properly recognizes the importance of The Shema, check it out in Hebrew
The nation of Israel would wander until Moses died God allowed them to enter the promised land which the nation would develop to encompass all that God had promised Abram... this nation of Israel would be governed by the law during a time when god was their King...
to be continued