MLD Feb 6 - 7 (updated)


Reminder: You should not be on any website other than those I have assigned for class. If you are found on a site other than those pertaining to this period's work, you may receive a zero for this assignment.

Today's assignment:

Using book four of Mere Christianity, you will begin your Biblical Anthropology essay. The topic requires you to write about your beliefs on man, sin and salvation. This essay must have one quote from Mere Christianity and one quote from Romans. Your essay might include answers to the following (these are here to get you thinking - you do not have to answer them): What do I believe about the nature of humans? Are they fallen? What is the impact of being a fallen creature? How does what I understand about Adam and Eve impact my beliefs? What has God done to make salvation possible? How does my experience with people who call themselves Christians flavor my beliefs? What is my role in salvation? What does God expect of me once I have become His follower? How does the following statement impact my thinking and life? "God is easy to please, but hard to satisfy?"

Please Note: You are required to have one quote from Mere and one quote from Romans. You may use more quotes, but your quote ratio for this assignment returns to the normal 5:1.

Follow the PWI carefully. DO NOT MAKE A COVER PAGE and do not type a heading on the paper. After you print your paper, simply write your name on the top right corner of each page. Be sure you staple.


The Biblical Anthropology Paper is due at the end of class on Thursday the 7th.

A word about the style of introducing quotes:

Please do not introduce as follows...

"Romans 5:2 says that..."

instead say some thing like:

"The writer of Romans states that..."

"The New Testament teaches us that..."

"Paul clarifies for his reader that..."

"The letter to the Roman church says that..."

"C. S. Lewis says that ..."

If you don't understand what I'm looking for, feel free to ask me.