We now turn to THEOLOGY PROPER which is where we consider the nature and attributes of God.
These are the nature and attributes which all three persons of the Godhead (the Trinity) share. So, we might put it this way: Theology Proper is where we consider that which God is. This is compared to the categories which follow it: Christology and Pneumatology, which contain the specific understandings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Could one say that Theology Proper is about God the Father? Maybe, but this would not be fully accurate, so I would avoid such an assertion. The point of Theology Proper is to investigate what we can understand about God. The point of Theology is to contemplate the nature of God. Because God is infinite, we cannot know all there is, but we can learn and comprehend what is necessary in order that we may know God well. This is the point of God revealing Himself to us: That we may know God well.
Our first text is Psalm 139 which is a great introduction to "the omnis":
a) Omnipotent - God is greater than physics, not bound to the laws of physics, God is all powerful
b) Omnipresent - God transcends time and space, He is not limited to time and space
c) Omniscient - God has all knowledge
These are the three "omnis," but there are more attributes.
Eternal: God has always been. God is. God always will be. This is similar to omnipresence when we tie time and space together. This is referred to as the 'eternality' of God. God is eternal.
God is Trinity. The doctrine (an agreed upon teaching about something) of the Trinity is a difficult concept for many people to try to wrap their brains around. Trying to put it simply: God is one being in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Father is referred to as the First person. The Son is known as the second person. The Holy Spirit is called the third person.
God is not three gods, God's persons are united in mind, in purpose and in action. The word 'triune' is used to indicate the trinitarian and unified nature of God. The triune God has a single plan and works in perfect unity and harmony to bring this plan into being for fellowship and communion with humans.
Jesus mentions (John 17) being 'sent' by the Father; He also said in John 15:26 that He would send the Holy Spirit. From this we may understand that there is perfect cooperation in the work of God, what I call 'voluntary subordination' between the persons of the Godhead. No competition, no pride, no fighting about who is first... we see perfect cooperation here. This work, done on our behalf, is completed to satisfy the just nature of God who can not allow sin to go without being dealt with. Jesus did that, He dealt with the sin - on the cross.
So God is Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit. But there are other attributes as well.
God is Just. His decisions are always based on that which is right and, unlike man, these decisions are not subject to fallen emotions. This flows naturally from the idea that God is Holy.
Holy: this means that He is 'different', 'other', 'separate'... He is not a part of His creation. The universe is His creation, He is greater and beyond His creation. Hence, God transcends the creation. His greatness stems from this Holiness. Yet this Holy God is merciful as well.
Merciful. God cares about His creation. The Son came to us to bring the ultimate Mercy. Mercy should be understood as the with-holding of a just punishment in accordance with the will of the just judge, God is such a just judge. This mercy is brought forth in the plan of God because of the work of Christ, so we turn to Christology.