These are the notes from class:
philosophy - love of wisdom, seeking understanding not just knowledge
"the speculative attempt to present a systematic and complete view of reality"
epistemology - the study of knowledge, explanation of knowledge, theory of knowledge
Where does knowledge come from?
How is it formulated?
How is it expressed?
What are the differences between, similarities of and relationship between words like: knowledge, belief, opinion, fact, idea, truth
linguistics is a sub-category of
ethics - analysis of, the study of:
ought, should, duty, obligation, right and wrong
metaphysics -
the attempt to present a comprehensive, coherent and consistent account of reality (being, the universe, existence) as a whole.
[cosmology - the study of the universe as a rational and orderly system]
any enquiry that raises questions about reality that lie beyond or behind those capable of being tackled by the methods science
questions of space and time
ontology - branch of metaphysics which concerns itself with what exists
what is being?
what is existence?
what is reality?
the study of the essential characteristics of being in itself, apart from particulars (its not just the components of the marker: the top, the felt, the ink, the fuselage; its the use, and the user which give it value)
We should consider two categories which are different than a strict category: modernism and post modernism